Yes, all Kaliana Emotional Care® Formulas are designed to work together. Using several formulas may help address the many facets of your emotions. This is why we also offer variety sets - so you and your family can mix and match for personalized emotional support each day.
Vibra-nutrients are trace amounts of energy that your body naturally absorbs whenever you get out in nature. From the quantum physics perspective, they are the atoms that are emitted from rocks, trees, flowers, water, and even the sounds of water movement and birds singing. These may be the reason why forest bathing has such a dramatic impact on health and emotional well-being.
Studies show that nature can help:
lower tension, blood pressure, adrenaline levels, factors of excess weight and type 2 diabetes. Positive emotions increase, while negative emotions decrease.*
Click here to read the 10 Reasons We Switched From Glass to BPA-Free Plastic Bottles
If you pay attention to your body when applying my products, most people notice a calmness shift in about 30 seconds. The more stressed or sensitive you are, the bigger difference you tend to notice. Remember to REPEAT 3 times the Fix-Me™ Mist or Beverage Booster after waiting 30 seconds to feel even deeper support.
Think of these like "vitamins for your emotions." When you are stressed or tired your body uses them up more quickly more than when life is easy. This is why you continue repeating the application. As you keep repeating, your body tends to relax and become replenished.
Here's a fun tip. Write yourself a note telling yourself about the challenges in your life -rating your stress, anxiety, sleep etc on a scale of 1-10. Then seal it up in an envelope for the next 30 days while you dedicate yourself to using the products each day. At the end of the 30 days, open your note & discover how big your improvements.
Excellent question.
Kaliana has been sourcing premium essential oils from all across the globe for over 20 years. She's a certified Phyto-Aromatologist with over 40 years experience. At Kaliana we do not buy an essential oil because it is supposed to be the best. Instead, we seek out essential oils specifically for their emotional impact. For example, we do not source lavender from France even though it is touted as the best in the world. Kaliana prefers Bulgarian lavender that's thrived in the wild because it's had to work harder to persevere than lavender that's been pampered in a field. It would, therefore, have a higher emotional intelligence and impact—this is just one more quality that sets our products apart from everything else on the market.
The term "Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Oils" is a marketing term developed by the company doTERRA and can be very misleading to the average consumer. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy released a journal detailing the quality of essential oils. Here's an excerpt regarding CPTG oils:
This is a relatively new trademark by a multi-level marketing company. It gives the appearance of being approved by some kind of higher authority and it has been said that the company states it is a FDA approved to use this label. According to Elston (2009), "This registered word mark has not been provided to them by the FDA as they claim and is meaningless in proving that an outside certifying body has declared or designated that DoTERRAʼs essential oils are certified pure therapeutic grade. DoTERRA, LLC owns the right to exclusive use of the mark (however not the exclusive right to the actual words "Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade" which is revealing) This seal or word mark is nothing more than a commercial trademark that they have registered and paid a fee for".
You can view the entire journal here.
We take sourcing our oils very seriously and it shows in the quality of our products. You can learn more about the Kaliana 8 Benefits here.
Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after just a few minutes walking in nature? In Japan, they call this ‘forest bathing.' During that walk, your body rapidly relaxes and calms itself from numerous plants and flower essences.
Each use of a Kaliana product supports your body like stepping into a beautiful garden filled with vibrant plants - within minutes you feel your body begin to relax.
This is why you may feel such a tangible shift within minutes.The Kaliana Process activates essential oils and flower essences to provide 'whole plant' support that helps to quickly & naturally lower stress, calm your body, and turn on positive feelings.*
I had that issue for years, and personally found that repeating the Fix-Me™ Mist or Beverage Booster 4 times over 4 minutes would REALLY make a big difference for me. I also found that the supplement worked deeper than the spray and the oil supported me for longer periods of time. I have had many others tell me of their similar results.
I also want to point out that emotions are not logical. Therefore, you want to choose the formula that you are most drawn to or that smells the best to you - even if it doesn't seem to make sense.
I have found that two formulas work really well together when dealing with the dark emotions of depression. JOY helps you bring in the light of positive emotions and lift your spirits so things do not seem so overwhelming. CLARITY helps to shift your perspective so that you begin to see solutions that can take your life in a more positive direction. These two Formulas create the one-two punch you need to help break free.
With something as serious as depression, it's a process. And I have found that with consistent daily use, the products have helped shift many individuals, including myself, to enjoy the brighter side of life.*
As with any emotional issue, you should seek help from a medical professional.
Kaliana Beverage Boosters are sugar free! We use kosher vegetable glycerin, which naturally tastes sweet. NOTE: Vegetable Glycerin is a key ingredient used in diabetic and low-carb products to give a sweet taste without the sugar effects. Enjoy!
There are a few reasons why someone might not tangibly feel the impact of the products:
1. You want to make sure you apply them in the proper way. Sometimes people mistakenly squirt the Fix-Me Mist just a couple times, like perfume. You want to really spray it 5-7 times around your head, and also a couple times at the nape of your neck. In addition, when your emotions are intense try the Beverage Booster directly on your tongue, and then repeat after about 30 seconds.
2. Our products tend to be most effective when your emotions are stressful or challenging. Just like people have different levels of tolerance to things like pain or medications, people have different levels of sensitivity. For instance, people in the medical field, the military and police have been taught NOT to 'feel' their emotions. It could be that you are less sensitive to the impact. FIRST: Try rating your stress level on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst. Then after applying the product several times in a row, rate your stress level again. We find most people drop from a 8 to a 4 rather rapidly.
3. Depending on the Formula you are using. For example: Clarity might not be the challenge in your life that most needs support, and therefore you would not notice the effects that much. We have 6 other formulas to support specific challenges, like Calm, Confidence, Joy, Health, Comfort (for grief/loss), and Recovery (for memory, trauma, PTSD type issues).
I have found that sometimes kids (and adults) 'crave' my Emotional Care® products and use more than the Suggested Use. After 18 years of observing this phenomena, I think the craving desire occurs because their body deeply lacks essential energy nutrients. After a few days or a week, as the body replenishes, they don't feel the same intense need. I believe that's because their body has regained balance (like it does with vitamins).
Our Fix-Me™ Mists are for quick, in-the-moment shifts. It works faster than any of our other applications by shifting the energy around you and on the body very quickly. Our Mists are very effective at shifting yourself - but also kids or people around you as you can spray it in the area or a place like the car and create a positive shift - without having to apply it directly onto their skin.
Some people don't like to be touched, especially during a meltdown or temper tantrum. Our Mists are great for kitchens, cars, bedrooms, school rooms, elderly homes/hospitals, or any place a child or person may have intense emotions such as worry, fear, anxiety, sadness, or even just challenges going to sleep or staying asleep at night.
In order to get a rapid shift, Kaliana mists travel rapidly through the air into the brain and on the surface areas of the hair and skin. This rapid ability to travel via the surface enables the mist to quickly shift someone, plus means that you can repeat the spray for several applications taking short 60 second breaks until they feel calm and stability return.
The Deep-Release™ Oils penetrate deeper into the tissues of the body and therefore take about 2 minutes to feel working, They then continue to provide support over several hours as the body absorbs them. This long action is great, but not always the perfect solution as you compare different situations.
Pocket Essential™ Oils can be quick as they travel along the energy meridians of the body (pulse points, wrists, temples, etc), and when you apply them directly underneath the nose which is a key meridian balancing point (while inhaling them).
You can see how sometimes quick and in the air/overhead would work better in some situations, whereas other times the long-action and ability to rub directly on the body is better.
My Fix-Me™ Mist is designed to be fast-acting and is lightly scented so that people can layer it several times if needed without the aroma becoming overpowering. If you are looking for longer lasting aroma, Kaliana Deep-Release™ Oil is designed to be long-acting and thus holds the scent on the body longer.
Note: Something I have discovered is that the Fix-Me™ Mist scent disappears more quickly when someone's emotional level has been very high. Their body seem to absorb the product more fully. If you repeat use of the Fix-Me Mist in 30 second intervals until you reach a more emotionally balanced state, the scent of the mist remains longer.
It is best to not leave the products in your car. Extreme heat is not good for any natural product as it causes the ingredients to break down. Also, extreme heat or cold may cause the bottle to warp, crack or expand.
In the beginning, you will find yourself going through your supply at a quicker pace because your body needs to rebuild its emotional nutrient reserves.
Think of these like vitamins. If you had scurvy, you would need a lot more Vitamin C in the beginning. But once you were healthy, you can go several days without Vitamin C without a problem.
This is why we recommend that you use all 3 of the applications below together. When used together, they should last you about one month (given that you are getting more layers of support). If you use only 1 or 2, you won't get the same level of support and will need to use it more often, therefore running through it more quickly.
Fix-Me™ Mists: 1 oz (210 pumps/bottle); 4 oz (840 pumps/bottle)
Beverage Boosters: 1 oz (43 14-drop servings); 4oz (225 1-pump servings)
Deep-Release™ Oils: 1 oz (180 1-pump targeted-spot uses); 4oz (whole-body)
CONFIDENCE Beverage Booster is a great choice, but I would also look at COMFORT (for his sad heart), or even CLARITY to help with all the new changes. Putting 4-8 drops into his food or water bowl is a perfect idea!
I would definitely use CALM in an Emotional Care® Kit with him. When you have several issues going on, layers of support are essential to support the body in restoring balance.
A couple of my recommendations would be: HEALTH for strength and helping support the body's natural healing process; or COMFORT for helping with the sadness of her changes. Since both emotions will be part of her healing, I would give her both.
Currently, our 1 oz liquid bottles are fine (in a quart baggie) to take through the security check-point according to FAA rules. Always double check with the airlines in case there are any changes or updates.
You do not need to avoid mint or coffee when you use Kaliana products; think of ours like vitamins.
As with any health regimen, it is always best to consult with your doctor before beginning anything new.
No worries! The ingredients are considered foods and therefore completely safe. The vinegar from drinking an entire bottle may bother their tummy or send them to the restroom, so maybe have them drink some water.
In getting started with Kaliana products, the best avenue is really a matter of personal preference.
Many people love starting with our mists because they are fun, quick support and travel well. However, the Fix-Me mists don't tend to work quite as deeply for intense emotions as our Beverage Boosters. People love the deep stabilizing feeling they get from repeating a Beverage Booster 3-5 times in a row directly in their mouth, waiting about 60 seconds between doses.
Kaliana Deep-Release oils are designed to support for several hours, yet rapidly absorb into the skin within 2 minutes, and don't leave you feeling oily at all (if you feel greasy, you simply applied too much).
They help with physical stuff like muscle or joint tension as well. Kaliana oils help you skin feel soft and luxurious, and have a very loyal following.
I guess there are two ways to best approach your decision. First, if you know which Formula is your favorite (take our quiz), then start with an Emotional Care Kit which gives you all 3 applications (Mist, Booster & Oil) in one Formula such as Calm at a discount.
The other option would be if you want to try several Formulas for yourself or to share within a family (such as Calm, Comfort, and Health) you should start with a set of Fix-Me Mists as an affordable way to sample several different Formulas at once.
The Deep-Release Oils are designed to:
- Support emotions, the immune system, as well as deeply feed the skin and tissues.
- Apply along the length of the spine and on chest - to help release trapped emotional blocks.
- Release emotional tension that can be stored in the tissues, muscles, joints and organs.
- Offer long-acting support for up to 8 hours.
The Pocket Essential Oils are more concentrated than the Deep-Release Oils, and designed to:
- Be discreet and small enough for travel.
- Target reflex points on face, neck, ears, chest, feet, and around the body to assist healing and emotions.
- Gentle enough for use directly on skin and underneath the nose for immune & emotional support.
- These can be used in a diffuser.
Yes, you can absolutely do that! It’s also great as a back and chest rub.
Kaliana developed all of her products for use with children, and then adults started loving them too.
The formulas that match the specific requests for what you are looking for are:
Clarity to help open up their minds and Confidence to help them feel grounded.
You can use them on their own, but also together at the same time. The kids will naturally be drawn by the aroma and feelings of our particular blends to guide themselves as to which supports them best in any moment.
You might even enjoy a variety set of our mists of you want to try a few different Formulas for your family.
The main essential oils you want to avoid are wintergreen, garlic, tea tree, and pennyroyal, which we do not use any of these in our blends.
The main concern that comes from using essential oils with pets is the concentration. We only suggest using an essential oil diluted, and we never recommend oral use. The best way to think about it is how they would experience it in nature. So blends of essential oils over single scents, and ALWAYS diluted.
Our Fix-Me Mists™ are our top recommendation to use with pets because you can easily spray it around them or their bedding (most people like Calm for anxiety and Recovery for trauma) and due to the dilution, it’s more like something they’d absorb from being out in nature.
Our Beverage Boosters are also easy to use because you can add them to their water. These contain no essential oils, only flower essences.
Our Pocket Essential™ Oils are going to be the most concentrated, but even those contain a small amount of sesame and jojoba base oils, which is what makes them safe for people to use directly on their skin. This would also be safer for diffusing around pets because it isn’t as concentrated as using 1 single un-diluted oil. Since they are also a blend of essential oils, it is safer for pets as well, because it’s not just 1 single essential oil that they are being exposed to - more like what they’d experience in nature.
And of course, it’s always best to consult with your vet if you have concerns :)
Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us here.

What People Are
Saying About Us
“My family and I have been using this oil for years. We LOVE it so much! It really does do everything that it says that it does! Thank you Kaliana for such a true and honest product!”

Marvin J.
“We now go days without fussing with each other, without a major breakdown, without fighting. Almost EVERYTHING was a battle. Now, it’s not.”

Angi C., Mom
“Exceptionally moving, powerful, unbelievably effective, remarkable energy shift’…that is what my patients tell me!”

Dr. S. Martin, DC, DABC
“I love to take your sets with me when I travel. The mists are great for uplifting stale hotel rooms and refreshing myself in the airport lavatory…your boosters support me with all the different clientele I have to face from city to city...and of course I always have one of your concentrates in my purse for using on the airplane...I just take you everywhere I go!”

M.A., Advertising Exec.
“I always have Kaliana in my pocket. I work with clients and families that are grieving various losses...loss of physical and mental abilities, lose of home and belongings, lose of a spouse or family member. Taking the time to rub Kaliana's Comfort Essential Oil into hands and soothing points really makes a difference in these clients and families days. Thank you Kaliana!”

Ellen B., Therapist
“I have been a private client of Kaliana's for over 2 years. Throughout that time, she has helped me shift massively. I feel happiness and joy most of the time. I did not know 2 years ago that this was possible. I am forever grateful for her work and her products!”

Lisa S., Technology
“I love how the oil soaks into my skin making it smell divine! Your products ease the 'roller coaster' of highs last longer, and my lows are not as low."

Lydia M., Dental Hygienist
"The product gave me more self-confidence and empowered me to do something that I didn't think I could do. I feel so together and I'm getting so much done. My attitude about work has even changed. I don't want to go a day without them."

Corinne M., Photographer
“My 13 yr old son had gotten involved with a really rough crowd. I left the mists sitting out in the hallway and to my amazement all of the boys started playing with the mists. I noticed a change in all of them and was able to better reconnect with my son.”