Classes & Events
Upcoming Classes and Events
5 Keys to Essential Oil Use for Families
Earth Fare Huntersville, NC
Whether you’re a novice or advanced, in this experiential class Kaliana will reveal 5 little known keys to improving the effectiveness of your essential oils.
- Why is Peppermint bad and what’s a better alternative?
- When to use individual essential oils versus a blend?
- What’s the most effective way to use essential oils for illness?
- What are Flower Essences and how do they differ from EO? How do you combine them with EO for better results?
- How does a diffuser support immune differently than skin application?
Freedom in Health: Shifting Patterns at Their Core
Spiritual Light Center
7300 Mallard Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC
During this Sunday service, Kaliana discusses how gaining freedom in health begins with addressing patterns at their core. Often we think we are going after the problem, when in reality we are only treating a symptom. Come explore why spiritual living and healthy eating are sometimes not enough for preventing disease. See how health issues such as cholesterol may actually be serving as a spiritual sign to guide you on your path.
How to Use Essential Oils for Illness & Disease
1-Day Workshop
Spiritual Light Center
7300 Mallard Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC
In this first-of-its-kind class, you will learn:
1. How to Choose the Best Essential Oils for Healing
Learn keys to achieve better results with Aromatherapy
- Therapeutic quality vs cheaper essential oils
- What is dilution and when is it good versus bad?
- Application methods and which is best for specific situations?
- What are Flower Essences and how can they improve your E.O.?
Learn areas to target, depending on the illness, to increase odds of recovery.
- What are the best carrier or base oils?
- Time-release absorption
- Reflex point application
- Triggering chi/energy
- Applying E.O. to Target 4 Categories: 1) Sinus & lung 2) Lymphatic system 3) Immune system 4) Brain & nervous system
An introductory look at emotions, and the essential oils that help shift them.
- Why targeting emotions is critical in health & illness
- How to potentize essential oils to make them more effective for emotional use
- How colors and images can act as guides to reveal best E.O. choices
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