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[Ch. 6 of 9] Have You Been Drinking?

May 15, 2019


Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Do you ever feel like all your responsibilities suck the joy out of your life?

That was me until one night in 1996. I was putting my toddlers to bed...

...My husband was at a Charlotte Hornets game, and I was feeling completely overwhelmed by motherhood and life in general.

Understand, prior to children, I was an overachiever who ran 3 different businesses at the same time, with close to 30 people who reported to me. I was in control of everything.

Then I became a stay-at-home mom, and my attitude shifted.

I used to ask my husband, “Why can’t I be happy? What’s wrong with me? We have a good life, great family, we are all healthy, and have successful businesses. Yet, I always seem to be tired, overwhelmed, or sad.”

I decided that if my prayers had been answered with formulas to help other people, maybe there was a formula to help me too.

So I sat down with a pad of paper, pulled out all of my books, and wrote down the title for the formula I wanted to create: “Motherhood is Fun.”

I started the way I always did, “God, please help me make something to help myself.” A few minutes later, the same way a musician hears music or a poet hears poetry, I began hearing the next one of my formulas: Joy.

Over the next several hours, I put the blend together, shook it up, sprayed myself, and within about 30 seconds started grinning.

I still remember…it was this incredible, uplifting feeling.

I just kept spraying myself, over and over, about every 30 seconds, and I started to feel this light come on inside of me. My energy began to lift, life seemed easier, and stuff I had been worrying about wasn’t such a big deal.

Over the next several hours, I went through over half a 4oz bottle because every time I’d start to sink, I’d use it again and feel happier.

Then my husband came home. He looked at me and asked, “what have you been drinking?” because I was giggling and grinning from ear to ear.

I said, “I’m not drinking! It’s this spray! You have to try it!”

What he didn’t say in that moment, but was thinking to himself... there’s no way this spray does anything; but she is so excited. How am I going to tell her it doesn’t work?

Understand that my husband dealt on a daily basis with manufacturers such as Coca-Cola and Procter and Gamble.

He was a businessman accustomed to mass distribution of practical products.

So he closed his eyes, and I sprayed the mist around his face and body. About 20 seconds later, he opened his eyes, looked at me and asked, “can you make this in mass quantity?”

I thought for a second and responded, “yeah, actually I can.”

He felt the shift in himself so clearly, that he knew this was a product that could help a lot of people, and deserved mass distribution.

The mist made a huge difference for me. It gave me a tool I could use throughout my day to shift myself from feeling tired, intense or overwhelmed, to more relaxed and happier.

My days became more enjoyable.

I still had issues and had to work on them to become the mom and person I wanted to be, but now I had an effective, easy tool to help me change the way I felt.

Do you ever have hard, overwhelming days where you feel exhausted? Do you wish you could reduce your worry and make life not feel so serious all the time?

Try my Joy formula today for 25% OFF any Joy product. This is a special offer only available through this chapter of my story.

Click here to activate the code and start shopping!

You can't always change the responsibilities in your life, but you can shift how you feel while doing them.

Joy helped me change myself, and therefore improved the quality of our family life—I want to help you do the same. The happier you are, the happier the people around you will be :)




P.S. Click here to save 25% OFF any Joy product today!

Look for the next chapter in my story. Subject line: “[Ch. 7 of 9] Sick for Months”

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treat. This information is based on research and knowledge by the author, and the ideas are not intended as substitute for medical advice. As with any products it is suggested that you check with your medical practitioner prior to use. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any products mentioned herein.

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