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6 Amazing Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

Dec 28, 2018

6 Amazing Benefits of Diffusing Essential Oils

If you’re up-to-date with the latest home trends, you’ve probably heard or read a recommendation regarding the use of essential oil diffusers. 

Diffusing essential oils not only keeps your home smelling wonderful, but also helps balance and restore the mind and body. Whether you’re craving relaxation, needing an energy boost, or feeling emotional, you can benefit from inhaling the mist coming from your diffuser.

Here are some positive impacts of diffusing essential oils:

Breathe cleaner indoor air

Did you know that air pollution can also happen inside your home or office? Common sources include mold, tobacco smoke, carpets, dust mites, pet dander, lead, and asbestos. According to the
American Lung Association, poor indoor air quality can contribute to the development of different respiratory diseases.

Using an essential oil diffuser is one way to keep your indoor air clean. Diffusers raise the level of oxygen in the air. Essential oils like eucalyptus and pine needle are powerful antimicrobials that can often destroy mold, germs and pathogens present in the air before they can invade your body.

Boost the immune system

Give your immune system a boost during cold and flu season by diffusing essential oils. A
French study has found that essential oils can kill most airborne microorganisms. Researchers colonized 210 various microbes and diffused a mixture of oils in 30 minutes. As a result, only four colonies remained alive.

All you need to do is mist your indoor air with a mixture of 10-15 drops of oil and water using a diffuser. Eucalyptus oil is a well-known immune response booster. Cinnamon and clove oil blends are also commonly used for their antibacterial and anti-viral properties.

All of Kaliana Fix-Me™ Mists can be beneficial in this way, with Health utilizing essential oils that most target specific immune benefits.

De-stress and promote relaxation

Have you ever encountered a smell that evoked a strong feeling or memory? For instance, the scent of jasmine might remind you of your grandmother’s perfume. This is because the sense of smell is wired to the brain’s centers of memory and emotion. This is why aromatherapy can have such a positive effect on the mind.  When aromatic molecules reach the brain, it instantly has that uplifting effect.

Lavender oil is the most popular when it comes to reducing stress and promoting relaxation. In a study, participants were asked to complete a memory task. Researchers found that those who inhaled lavender prior to being stressed performed better.

Experience better sleep

Another well-known benefit of essential oil diffusion is improving the quality of sleep. Oils that enhance a person’s sleeping experience fall in two categories. There are oils that alleviate insomnia by reducing stress and anxiety, and oils that clear the airways to prevent snoring and sleep apnea.

Aside from lavender, which is recognized as a natural sleep aid, jasmine oil can also be used to help you sleep better at night. According to research, smelling jasmine is just as effective as taking a sedative but without the side-effects.


Best Essential Oils for Diffusing

Reduce chest congestion

Clogged and inflamed airways can be frustrating, especially at night when you’re about to sleep. To help you breathe easier, try diffusing essential oils like benzoin, eucalyptus, rosemary, pine, and lemon. Aromatic molecules from these oils can cut through obstructions like heavy mucus during colds.

Some essential oils bring about immediate improvement in symptoms of upper respiratory illnesses. For instance, eucalyptus oil helps inhibit the hypersecretion of airway mucins to prevent congestion. Another study found that the inhalation of blended oils can improve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

Curb your cravings

Notice how you go hungrier the minute you smell the scent of your favorite food? Science has discovered that the sense of smell can trigger feelings of hunger and fullness. Diffusing essential oils with satisfying scents is a great way to suppress appetite.

A study by the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Institute of Chicago found that inhaling culinary smells like rosemary, peppermint, and grapefruit regularly throughout the day, especially when you’re hungry, can crush your desire to eat. It’s an effective strategy to include in any weight loss program.

Aside from using a diffuser, there are other ways to enjoy the benefits of essential oils. They can be diluted and applied directly onto the skin. You can also rub some on your palms and inhale the scent by cupping your hands over your nose. Essential oils can also be mixed into your bath, inhaled through steam, or used during a massage.

Kaliana Pocket Essential™ Oils are great for diffusing, but can also be used in class, work, airplane, hospital, or your car. They have been blended for direct skin use, such as under nose for immune and brain function, plus on reflex points for emotional balance.


About the AuthorKaliana has been studying natural healing since 1976. She developed her own line of aromatherapy products for emotions in 1995. She is a gifted intuitive, Master Energy Healer, author of 4 booksprofessional speaker, and offers private consulting for spiritual women and moms.

Kaliana is a certified Phyto-Aromatologist, graduated from Queens University as a Presidential Scholar, sat on the Board for Eating Disorders at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, holds a 4-year Advanced Certification from the Mastery of the Heart School, and teaches certified courses for Continuing Education Hours by NCBTMB.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treat. This information is based on research and knowledge by the author, and the ideas are not intended as substitute for medical advice. As with any products it is suggested that you check with your medical practitioner prior to use. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any products mentioned herein.

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