10 Reasons for Joy Emotional Care
Sep 18, 2016

As difficult as depression can be, it can also reveal that your soul is seeking something better. It can occur when the mind’s interpretation of life is out of sync with the soul’s desire to adapt, change or express itself. Our inner desire to control our lives often gets in the way and limits our ability to grow.
Grab onto your inner creative self and playfulness. Choose to allow worry, fatigue and depression to fall away. Learn to let go and dance to the rhythm of life and play. Take a deep breath and let your heart and soul sing together. Give yourself the gift of joy!
promote: happiness, patience, letting go*
release: fatigue, overwhelm, control issues*
support: endocrine, hormones, thyroid, mood swings*
Shop now for Kaliana JOY Formula for yourself, child or friend!
Top 10 reasons you might especially love using Kaliana Joy Formula*:1. struggle with depression, anxiety or overwhelm
2. tend to organize or clean much of the time
3. have difficulty adapting to change
4. feel inhibited, self-conscious, or afraid to try new things
5. tend to worry, focus on the negative or feel life is hard
6. feel criticized or surrounded by negativity
7. are a workaholic, too serious, or over-controlling
8. desire to release insecurity and inhibitions
9. want increased energy, more laughter and play
10. embrace a positive outlook, spontaneity, and optimism
Delightful Scent of JOY Kaliana Fix-Me Mist & Support Serum:
JOY aroma uplifts your spirit with fun floral tones and a citrus splash, balanced with fresh green undertones ...this cheerful blend of aromas and positive energy helps to bring a smile to every face.
Essential Oils in Kaliana JOY Mist & Oil:
Jasmine absolute: mood balancing & uplifting
Rose absolute: heart healing & stabilizing emotions
Ylang-ylang: mood balancing & calming
Neroli: turns on optimism & lifts depression
Clary Sage: turns on joy & releases overwhelm
Eucalyptus: uplifting, clearing & releasing fatigue
Bergamot: turns on joy & releases tension and fatigue
Kaliana Joy Blend of 147 trace positive energy nutrients - “like vitamins for your emotions”
Order Kaliana JOY Formula for yourself, child or friend! ...OR Read about all her Formulas Here
Most likely Complimentary Formulas: STRESS RELIEF & CONFIDENCESome featured JOY Reviews:
“The Joy formula is pure happiness! Truly, no matter your state of mind or mood - spritz Joy around you and I guarantee that a smile will quickly come to your face. It's bliss in a bottle!” L. McCloud
“My daughters have been using the Joy spray for years! We keep a bottle in their bathroom and they spray it over their heads several times a day. Whenever they are feeling down, they both go and get an extra spray.” E. Hein
“Joy formula is my all time favorite! Just used it this morning with my 7 year old god-daughter. She was still sleepy and had to get ready for school. Sprayed some around her head (and the bottoms of her feet) and immediately she went into a wonderful giggle. Her spirit (and mine) lifted 10 fold!! It is a must for any age.” S. Carney
“The Joy formula is my favorite application. I have a concentrate in my purse, the spray in my car and the oil in my bathroom! I get this light and tingly feeling from it. I love to nourish my skin with the oil, especially on days I want to feel extra playful!” A. Calhoun
“My two daughters absolutely love this product (as do I). Whenever they feel the need for a little uplift, they'll come to me and ask where their Joy spray is. I know I use it whenever the mood in the house gets a little heavy or the homework grind seems a little more intense. It is also great for the car when those 'you are on my side' type of fighting breaks out. I have a few bottles around the house and they get used on a regular basis. They just love them! and I love them because they work.” L. I-Godwin
“I have been amazed how often Kaliana’s products have helped a child and their family deal with behavior problems, fears, or other stressors.” Wendy G. Talley, MD, FAAP
71% of parents said their child was Happier, Calmer (emotionally), Slept Better, and had Less Temperamental Outbursts.*
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treat. This information is based on research and knowledge by the author, and the ideas are not intended as substitute for medical advice. As with any products it is suggested that you check with your medical practitioner prior to use. The author disclaims any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any products mentioned herein.
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